Monday, January 6, 2014

Incarceron: Setting

Incarceron takes place in a time in the future that man has succeeded in creating an inescapable utopia for mankind.  This utopia becomes hellish when it becomes self aware and starts to torture the now prisoners of this place.  The setting takes place in the future, but the inhabitants are quite reminiscent of the 17th century.  This time period should be brimming with unimaginable technology besides the prison that amazes us, but these elements remain unseen.  This is due to the king sending the prison's inhabitants back to this kind of era.  This brings up a very interesting setting that no book has.  Books are able to bring us into situations we can't encounter on earth, but only in our imagination.  Fisher took advantage of this element of book writing to create a very interesting setting that I have not seen in my small library of books.  My experience with this book was fun because I was able to be brought in to an interesting idea that had a developed story around it.  The summary of an inescapable self aware prison is alluring enough, but when it is put into a book it draws the reader with its uniqueness and brings them along for the dramatic twists it has in store.

This book had some predictability to it in which we could expect what would happen, but we didn't know how that result came to be.  For example we knew they were living in a self aware prison, but how does such a setting emerge unexplained.  The reader frantically searches for the answers to their questions this book surfaces.  As the reader looks for these answers they can guess what can happen, but the book is just one step ahead of your theories and surprises you with an answer that you wouldn't have expected.  What made it so enjoyable was as you try to guess what will happen, you end up getting some right and some wrong.  The predictability and unpredictability of the book brings the reader to enjoy the twists that they experience and leaves a lasting impression upon them as they experience the plot alongside the characters.

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