Friday, March 21, 2014

Gone Girl: Nick & Amy

In Gone Girl the marriage between Nick and Amy was very interesting. Both Amy and Nick describe their first few years in a positive light. They seemed very much in love, yet toward their third and fourth years, things quickly went downhill.  The marriage failed, but why? Whose fault was it?  In the beginning of the book Nick gives off very good signs that he isn't trying to bring the marriage back together as each anniversary get progressively worse.  But we then see Amy could just be very annoying.  If Amy was annoying I think Nick was doing great by not lashing out at her for so long, but he showed no signs of wanting her to stop being annoying which is why it is mostly Nick's fault.  If one side in a marriage is unable to express his/her feelings toward their partner then they can't possibly have a good marriage.  In the events that Amy disappears he shows great distress showing that he didn't give up completely on the marriage.

Amy could also have failed in her part by letting this whole ordeal get worse.  What she did was let the marriage get worse by thinking it would just blow over.  This could have led to her going missing because she thought it was better to just be understanding while Nick was in his dark phase.  But we figure out Nick is not what we found him as in the beginning of the story.  Nick becomes a character we don't want to hate but are forced to because of what he does.  Nick skips the anniversary and goes to a strip club, cheats on Amy, and much more.  When we see Nick be suspected of killing Amy it isn't too far fetched because he comes off as very creepy on the very first page when he says, "You could imagine the skull quite easily."  One doesn't normally talk about skulls or how perfectly shaped a skull is unless you're a little morbid.  This book had characters that ended up being contributors to the very own problems they were involved in. 

Gone Girl: Thriller Lovers Need to Read This!

Gone Girl was a story with great characters that had me going through an emotional roller coaster.  If you love books that mess with your head and get you obsessed with trying to figure out the mystery yourself, this book is perfect.  The author really did a good job at writing this book and the complexity amazes me.  I've read a good few books this year and a few decent ones and I never thought I would find a book that would get me excited to read again.  The story introduces characters and the way you see them in the beginning is completely altered throughout the book.  You would never guess these normal people, through their actions, would seem to be killers or anything.  These characters really open up your eyes to the mind games a mystery book plays and it's quite addicting.  The book is getting a movie which hopefully won't ruin the complexity and the psychological elements that you can only see in the book (however most movies are never as good as the book).  I really liked the diary entries of Amy because they were very enthusiastic and showed how some writers actually think.
In recent news, the book gained a new ending.  I have not read the second ending, but I do not really like when an author makes a second ending.  This shows that the author was uncertain that the first was good enough and didn't trust their work.  It may add a different perspective, but it shows that the book wasn't really complete when it first came out.  Breaking Bad did this as well and it left me feeling unsatisfied.  I doubt I will read the second ending as I will love the book for what it was.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Gone Girl: Reaction/Thoughts

Gone Girl talks about two characters named Nick and Amy.  These characters seem complete opposites  in ways, but also compliment each other.  The fellow, Nick, is more in sync with his twin sister Go than with Amy.  Nick and Amy have a different relationship than he has with Go.  They met at a party and according to Amy they fell in love on the first day.  Continuing in the story to a year later it seems that they no longer have that spark when they are married.  Today is their wedding anniversary, their 5th to be exact, and something unexpected happens.  Amy disappears.  The story revolves around Amy disappearing and gives some real suspense.  A relationship that seems to be dying is alive and well when we see how much Nick is concerned about her missing.  A man that could barely remember important moments of their relationship must find his wife that is missing.  The people of the town become suspicious as he showed a strange relationship with his wife and Amy was a girl that could put anyone on the edge of anger.  The town suspected that Nick killed her.  I became suspicious of a different person, his sister.  Their relationship was too perfect and she didn't really like Nick and Amy's relationship.  Go said things jokingly about how she didn't really like her but Nick never really made anything of it.  The book is really great by the way it introduces the characters.  The couple seems to be somewhat annoyed with each other, but murder was never hinted as one of their motives.  Neither of the people showed any hate to each other so it leaves the reader wondering who the killer is.  But the book couldn't have introduced these characters in such detail for no reason, the people introduced were suspects except for, of course, the victim Amy.  Go and Nick had a relationship that was being interfered with by Amy.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon

In the movie Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, Li Mu Bai and Jen have a fight in a forest of bamboo.  In China bamboo has great significance with righteousness.  Righteousness can be defined as morally justifiable or right.  Because of this battle between a master and what is to be seen as a pupil, this battle could be seen as Li Mu Bai trying to teach Jen something.  This lesson could be how to be morally justifiable or righteous.  The scene that precedes this is when Jen is in a bar being very rude and ends up beating up everyone in the bar.  During the fight between Li Mu Bai and Jen, the two handle their surroundings very differently.  Li Mu Bai moves gracefully through the bamboo and Jen is very wobbly and new to her surroundings.  This is shown to emphasize how righteous of a man Li Mu Bai is and how new this whole experience of being righteous is to Jen.  A good example of how righteous Li Mu Bai is when he gets hit by a poison dart trying to protect Jen.  At this point he realized protecting the potential of this girl was worth more than his own life and maybe through his acts Jen could learn to be righteous.  Jen was able to see how Li Mu Bai held no resent towards her even after she got him killed.  Although Jen wanted to be a warrior she skipped the lesson of being righteous.  Li Mu Bai saw this and realized that he needed to teach her this in order for her to become a great warrior.